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دانلود فیلم Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax بدون سانسور

فیلم Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax

دانلود یا تماشا فیلم Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax بدون سانسور

Mar. 11, 202468 دقیقه
امتیازی که شما دادید: 0
7 1 رای

معرفی : Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax

Two children accused parents and teachers of leading a paedophilic satanic cult, supposedly headquartered in secret rooms on the school premises. The story was not true. But once the fire was lit, it was hard to put out. Emily Turner’s film considers the real-world impact of an outrageous online conspiracy theory, exploring the importance of truth and the cost of lies.

آموزش دانلود فیلم و افزودن زیرنویس

عنوان اصلی Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax
IMDb امتیاز 7.3


Emily Turner

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درصورت پخش نشدن ویدیو با فیلترشکن و کشور غیر از آمریکا وارد شوید