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دانلود فیلم Because I Was a Painter: Art That Survived the Nazi Camps بدون سانسور

فیلم Because I Was a Painter: Art That Survived the Nazi Camps

دانلود یا تماشا فیلم Because I Was a Painter: Art That Survived the Nazi Camps بدون سانسور

Mar. 05, 2014104 دقیقه
امتیازی که شما دادید: 0
5 1 رای

معرفی : Parce que j'étais peintre, l'art rescapé des camps nazis

In 1945, when the Allies liberated the concentration camps, they discovered thousands of secretly created artworks. With unprecedented access to paintings, drawings, etchings and sculptures held in collections around the world, BECAUSE I WAS A PAINTER conducts a gripping and fascinating investigation into art that captures, reflects and inspires in difficult times.

آموزش دانلود فیلم و افزودن زیرنویس

عنوان اصلی Parce que j'étais peintre, l'art rescapé des camps nazis
IMDb امتیاز 6.6
TMDb امتیاز 7 1 رای


Christophe Cognet

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