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دانلود فیلم Harka بدون سانسور

فیلم Harka

دانلود یا تماشا فیلم Harka بدون سانسور

Nov. 02, 202290 دقیقه
امتیازی که شما دادید: 0
9 1 رای

معرفی : Harka

Ali is a young Tunisian who dreams of a better life and ekes out a lonely existence selling contraband oil on the black market. When his father dies, he is forced to care for his two younger sisters who have been left to their own devices in a house from which they will soon be evicted. As he wrestles with the sudden weight of responsibility and the injustices he faces, anger and indignation stir within Ali – that of a generation still fighting to be heard more than a decade after the revolution…

آموزش دانلود فیلم و افزودن زیرنویس

عنوان اصلی Harka
IMDb امتیاز 6.6
TMDb امتیاز 7.6 22 رای


Jamil Najjar

دست اندرکاران

Adam Bessa isAli Hamdi
Ali Hamdi
Salima Maatoug isAlyssa Hamdi
Alyssa Hamdi
Ikbal Harbi isSarra Hamdi
Sarra Hamdi
Khaled Brahem isSkander Hamdi
Skander Hamdi
Hsouna Heni isPetrol distributor
Petrol distributor
Jamel Madani isHomeless man
Homeless man
Mohamed Ouni isBar owner
Bar owner
Elyes Riahi isGerman emigrant
German emigrant
Mohamed Nsibi isBar customer
Bar customer
Khaled Barsaoui isContra driver
Contra driver

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