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دانلود فیلم Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure بدون سانسور

فیلم Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure

دانلود یا تماشا فیلم Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure بدون سانسور

Oct. 08, 201345 دقیقه
امتیازی که شما دادید: 0
5 1 رای

معرفی : Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure

Kate & Humphrey and their three wolf cubs (Smokey, Claudette and Runt) are happily preparing to celebrate their first winter holidays together when their smallest cub, Runt, mysteriously disappears. They must now go on a new journey across the wilderness to find Runt before the winter festivities begin at home.

آموزش دانلود فیلم و افزودن زیرنویس

عنوان اصلی Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure
IMDb امتیاز 4.7
TMDb امتیاز 6.095 63 رای


Steve Moore

دست اندرکاران

Ben Diskin isHumphrey (voice)
Humphrey (voice)
Marieve Herington isClaudette (voice)
Claudette (voice)
Liza West isRunt (voice)
Runt (voice)
Tracy Pfau isEve (voice)
Eve (voice)
Meryl Leigh isPrincess (voice)
Princess (voice)
Shaun Gerardo isRogue Wolf #1 (voice)
Rogue Wolf #1 (voice)
Blackie Rose isGarth / King (voice)
Garth / King (voice)
G.K. Bowes isDaria / Freda / Fran (voice)
Daria / Freda / Fran (voice)
Harper Fogelson isPorcupine (voice)
Porcupine (voice)
Willa Fogelson isBear Cub (voice)
Bear Cub (voice)
Maxwell Je isWinston (voice)
Winston (voice)

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