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دانلود فیلم Gary Gulman: The Great Depresh بدون سانسور

فیلم Gary Gulman: The Great Depresh

دانلود یا تماشا فیلم Gary Gulman: The Great Depresh بدون سانسور

Oct. 05, 201975 دقیقه
امتیازی که شما دادید: 0
5 1 رای

معرفی : Gary Gulman: The Great Depresh

In his first HBO comedy special, Gary Gulman offers candid reflections on his struggles with depression through stand-up and short documentary interludes. While speaking to issues of mental health, Gulman also offers his observations on a number of topics, including his admiration for Millennial attitudes toward bullying, the intersection of masculinity and sports, and how his mother’s voice is always in his head.

آموزش دانلود فیلم و افزودن زیرنویس

عنوان اصلی Gary Gulman: The Great Depresh
IMDb امتیاز 7.6
TMDb امتیاز 6.15 10 رای


Michael Bonfiglio

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